
Whether it is from leaky plumbing, a recent flood or other natural disaster, or anything else, water damage has the power to cause serious problems in your home. It damages, if not destroys, a wide variety of household items, including wood, paper, and metal products, while also creating ideal environments for mold and mildew. Educate yourself on the telltale signs of water damage in the home to protect your biggest investment.

What Are the Signs of Water Damage in Your Home?

1. Warping, Buckling, or Sagging Floors

Hardwood flooring warps, buckles, and sags following serious exposure to water from a flood or burst pipe because wood is a porous material that is subject to expansion and contraction. Other flooring types also indicate water damage, such as soaked carpeting or peeling linoleum and vinyl edges. Peeling occurs because the adhesive that keeps these flooring types intact gets damaged by moisture.

2. Damaged Walls & Ceilings

water damageWater damage from leaky roofing or pipes causes wall and ceiling paint or wallpaper to bubble and peel. If they are left untreated, walls and ceilings start to warp and swell and might feel spongy. Yellow or brownish stains on walls and ceilings also appear when water infiltration is severe.

3. Musty Odors

That musty odor that’s synonymous with basements indicates mildew. Both mildew and mold require dark, damp conditions to thrive and appear in as little as 48 hours after water damage. While these odors are most common in subterranean rooms, they can also crop up in attics and anywhere else with high moisture levels.

4. Mold Growth

Visible mold on ceilings, carpets, wood flooring, and drywall calls for immediate remediation services to stop the fungus from spreading. Mold and mildew trigger allergic reactions such as coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and itchy eyes, noses, and throats. The fungus also compromises your home’s structural integrity if it is allowed to flourish long enough because it feeds on organic materials, such as wooden building frames.

5. Wet Attic Insulation

Soaked attic insulation signals a serious roof leak, such as one from heavy ice dams or missing shingles. The insulation may also feature mold and mildew growth or start sagging from the weight of the water.


Deal with water damage in your home quickly by contacting FloodCo, the disaster restoration company serving the Flathead Valley and northwest Montana communities. Offering emergency water removal, as well as mold remediation and fire mitigation, this company also provides complimentary on-site consultations and written estimates. Call (406) 892-1717 today to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
