
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to get your grill fired up for barbecues and outdoor parties. Even if you used the barbecue throughout the winter, it’s a smart idea to give it a thorough spring cleaning. Follow these tips to prep your grill for summer.

4 Tips to Get Grill-Ready

1. Clear & Clean Fuel Areas

Cleaning the fuel areas on your grill will prevent fire hazards and eliminate any residue that could interfere with the taste of your food. For pellet and charcoal grills, clear away old ash and half-burned fuel. Use a small soft brush to sweep out the fuel areas. For gas varieties, check the hoses and connections to the propane tanks. Whatever you burn, replenish fuel stocks for the summer.

2. Get the Brush Out

grillCleaning the grill itself isn’t anyone’s favorite task, but it will keep food tasting delicious. If done regularly, you won’t be faced with multiple layers of crusted-on grime. Use a stiff cleaning brush and warm water without soap to clean this part of the barbecue. Remove all parts that you can for an easier and more thorough cleaning.

3. Remove Rust

Don’t let your barbecue become a rusted, grimy mess. Remove rust where you see it forming and consider painting these areas with a rust-proof paint. Or commit to keeping the barbecue protected by a purpose-built, weather-proofed cover. Your barbecue is an investment, so there’s no reason not to protect it from moisture and corrosion.

4. Clean the Grease Trap

Most grills have a tray to collect grease from cooking meats. Grease can catch fire, so this task is a safety requirement as well. Throw away any collected grease, and once the trap is clean, line it with aluminum foil — this will save you from a built-up slimy mess. The next time you need to empty the grease trap, simply pull out and replace the greasy foil with a clean sheet. 


Follow these tips to prep your barbecue for summer. Warming Trends in Onalaska, WI, has clean and safe pellet grills that allow cooks to choose from a variety of smoked wood fuel and adjust temperatures via Wi-Fi. They feature a full selection of fireplaces, stoves, and inserts to keep customers warm through frigid Midwestern winters. Visit them online to view a gallery of their products or call (608) 783-6400 to request an appointment.
