
Endometriosis is a benign chronic inflammatory disease that affects up to 10% of women. Symptoms include cyclic pelvic pain, severe menstrual cramps and painful intercourse. Endometriosis is also a leading cause of infertility.

A pelvic exam along with a strong clinical suspicion supported by imaging findings(ultrasound and or MRI) is sometimes sufficient for starting therapy. 

Endometriosis is estrogen dependent, therefore it isn’t seen before a woman starts her period and symptoms generally improve after menopause. Hormones that create a progesterone dominant environment are used in the management of endometriosis. Hormone treatments such as oral contraceptives, depo provera, and depo lupron have all demonstrated efficacy for the relief of the pain associated with endometriosis. A new oral GNRH antagonist called orilissa has recently been approved for endometriosis.

Surgical treatment is recommended if the pain does not respond to the above mentioned medical therapies or if fertility is the goal. Complete hysterectomy is considered the definitive therapy for those women who no longer desire fertility.

Lifestyle changes are often considered in the management of endometriosis. Limited evidence supports same benefits from certain supplements such as fish oil, vitamins, Bi, ginger, valarian, and zinc.Coffee/caffeine intake does not influence this chronic disease.

Certain dietary fats such as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids seem to lower the risk as well as does vitamin D supplements. Some patients report pain relief with a gluten free diet.

Dr. Jamieson is a certified gynecologist located in Cincinnati and Mason Ohio who has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.

For an appointment call 513-241-7744.

