
The development of problem-solving skills is an important part of child growth. These abilities will serve them throughout their lives, from school to their careers and relationships as adults. In addition to their studies and after-school programs, there are many tactics and children's activities you can try at home to foster their potential. Use the three tips below to help them succeed.

3 Tips to Improving Your Child’s Problem Solving

1. Make It Routine

You don't necessarily need structured children's activities to impart important lessons about overcoming obstacles. Avoid the urge to save time by making nonnegotiable decisions about what your child will wear, eat, or do. Whenever possible, present them with opportunities to make their own decisions and challenge them to stick to the choices they’ve made. This ultimately helps your child understand the importance of taking action whenever they reach a fork in the road.

2. Encourage Imaginative Play

early-childhood-developmentPlaytime is just as important for school-aged children as it is for younger kids. Instead of plopping in front of the TV, encourage your child to engage in entertainment that challenges them and requires a little imagination. Acting out stories and playing board games, for example, are crucial children's activities that engage their brains in ways passive movies and television shows simply can't replicate.

3. Let Them Fail

It can be hard to watch your child fail, but it’s an important part of early childhood development. Constantly cleaning up their messes (literally and figuratively) stunts their ability to understand consequences. Instead of being a helicopter parent, let your child make mistakes. Then sit down with them to identify why the problem occurred and see what creative solutions they can think of to move forward.



Looking for an after-school program to help sharpen your child’s problem-solving skills outside the classroom? As one of the top-rated early learning centers in Plainville, CT, since 1970, Plainville Early Learning Center is committed to providing high-quality child care services at an affordable price. They accept children between the ages of 18 months and 11 years old, and they offer children’s activities designed to foster cognitive, emotional, and social skills to ensure school readiness. To learn more about Plainville Early Learning Center’s early childhood education, give them a call today at (860) 747-3321 or contact them online.
