
All dentists agree that toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, and toothbrushes are essential to care for your teeth. As most products expire after a certain period, many people wonder whether these dental tools also have an expiration date. To help you understand how long these items last and whether they’re safe to use past their best by date, here is more information about their expiration.

Toothpaste & Mouthwash

dentistToothpaste lasts about two years after its manufacture date. Using it past this point won’t cause any issues, but will make the product less effective at breaking down plaque and preventing tooth decay. This is because most toothpaste contains fluoride, which degrades and loses potency over time.

Mouthwash also has a two- to three-year window before it expires. It contains water, and as its antiseptic ingredients lose potency, the chance that bacteria can grow in it increases. This is why dentists recommend tossing any toothpaste or mouthwash that’s past their expiration dates. At the very least, your teeth won’t be as clean as they would with new products, and you run the risk of exposing yourself to bacteria that could make you sick.

Floss & Toothbrushes

Floss never expires. It does lose its flavor, which usually occurs about one year after it’s been manufactured.

Toothbrushes don’t expire in their packaging, but should be replaced after three months of use. This is due to fraying, which may render the bristles ineffective at cleaning teeth. Dentists recommend you also switch your brush after getting a cold or another virus, since these can trap germs in the bristles and make you sick again.


To learn more about caring for your teeth and oral health, visit the dentists at Anchorage Dental Center in Alaska. This family clinic caters to people of all ages, providing preventative care, teeth cleanings, restorative procedures like root canals and implants, and cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening and veneers. Visit them online to learn more about how they can help, or call (907) 278-2521 to book an appointment.
