
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition that develops in the lungs as a result of scarring, inflammation, and progressive damage. Two common conditions that can lead to COPD development are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Find out what you should know about COPD and how regenerative cell therapy can help address the issue below. 

Common Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Questions

Why does COPD develop?

When lung tissues are injured, they die and form scar tissue to combat the damage. If the lungs are exposed to damaging toxins—such as chronic cigarette smoke—for long periods, scar tissue will accumulate to the point that lung function is impeded. 

What are the symptoms?

Without properly functioning lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen, the body experiences a lack of oxygen in the blood. This can lead to fatigue, decreased stamina, and memory loss. COPD is also associated with shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Who is at risk of developing COPD?

regenerative cell therapyExposure to tobacco smoke, dust, and chemicals increases the risk of developing this condition. The majority of COPD cases are related to long-term smoking. Firefighters and coal miners who work without adequate protective gear are also at risk because of the particles they inhale.

What treatments are available?

For smokers, the first step is quitting. A doctor may recommend an inhaler to administer bronchodilators to improve lung function or corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. Doctors may suggest pulmonary rehabilitation, including exercise and counseling. For those with severe cases, physicians can provide supplemental oxygen tanks and recommend lung surgery. 

What is regenerative cell therapy?

While research is still being conducted, regenerative cell therapy involves taking stem cells from other parts of the body—such as the bone marrow—concentrating them, and injecting them intravenously. These cells move toward areas of chronic inflammation in the body—for someone with COPD, to the lungs. Over time, the cells rebuild and repair lung tissue, improving pulmonary function.



Located in Westbury, NY, Integrative Medicine of New York, PLLC provides oncology, immunology, and regenerative cell therapy. This state-of-the-art facility offers cutting-edge treatments. They believe in a holistic approach, addressing everything from exercise to diet in each patient's care plan. Their compassionate team will work tirelessly to find a specialized solution to suit your needs. To schedule an appointment, call (516) 759-4200. To learn more about their approach to preventive medicine, visit their website
