
Whether you’re in the market to buy or sell a home, you have a long list of maintenance checks to get through. One inspection often overlooked by both parties is for the septic system. Septic inspections are essential to check for major issues that could turn into health risks. In the guide below, learn why professional septic system inspections are beneficial to both sellers and buyers.

How Sellers Benefit

When you schedule a septic inspection before listing the house, you could potentially bypass emergency septic tank repairs in the future. If your system does need pumping or repairs, it will be much less stressful to handle when you’re not simultaneously trying to sell.

septic inspectionsAll buyers bring lists of questions about the condition and quality of the house, so sellers need to be prepared to give specific answers. Many homeowners don’t know about their septic system’s current state. After a septic inspection, you’ll have answers for potential buyers that come straight from the professionals. A buyer will feel much more comfortable making a purchase when you can accurately disclose the condition of your house.

How Buyers Benefit

In real estate transactions, buyers have a lot of power in negotiations. If you find deal-breaking problems in or around the house, you can make an agreement with the seller to have them fixed before you buy. If the seller refuses, you have grounds to walk away. If the septic inspector does find issues, you can work pumping and repairs into your negotiations.

Buyers should expect everything to be in working order by the time they close on a house. Make sure you confirm the septic system is in good condition and won’t cause you problems anytime soon. With an inspection, a septic tank contractor will let you know what needs to be addressed immediately and in the near future, so you won’t be surprised by a system malfunction a month after you move in.


To schedule a septic inspection for a home you’re selling or looking to buy, get in touch with First Quality Environmental. Since 1991, they’ve provided eco-friendly options for wastewater treatment and management across Oahu. As a leader in wastewater systems, their licensed and highly trained team is well-versed in efficient inspections, repairs, and installation. Visit the website to learn more about their services. To schedule an inspection, call (808) 259-0100.
