
Porcelain veneers are designed to enhance the appearance of your teeth. The advantage is that you can quickly brighten your smile and eliminate cosmetic issues by having your dentist apply these fixtures inside your mouth. However, it’s important to care for them properly if you want them to maintain their appearance. Here are three helpful suggestions.

How to Care for Your Veneers

1. Avoid Hard Items

veneersSteer clear of using your teeth to bite down on anything that’s too hard. For example, raw vegetables, hard candies, and crunchy snacks can all be especially tough in some instances. If the food takes too much effort to eat, then it’s likely to be hard on your veneers, too, and could cause unsightly damage to the porcelain. If you bite your nails or have a habit of chewing on the end of your pen, do your best to stop. This will help secure the integrity of your veneers.

2. Clean Them Daily

Treat your veneers just as you would your genuine teeth. Brush them at least twice daily and floss regularly to remove stubborn particles. The more that you care for your teeth and gums, the less likely you are to develop gingivitis. The gum disease could lead to gum recession over time, a problem which could ultimately expose the edges of the veneers and cause them to detach. This is not just uncomfortable but also unsightly.

3. Visit Your Dentist

With regular care, your veneers can last for as long as 15 years. Part of maintaining their longevity involves visiting your dentist at least twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups. If any structural issues arise, like weakening bonding or chipping, your dental professional can quickly address the problem before it has a chance to become worse. They will also ensure that your teeth and gums are free of infections.


If you have porcelain veneers, it’s important to take precautionary steps to maintain them. That begins with a visit to the experienced dentists at Dentistry at Houston Lake. Based in Perry, GA, and led by Dr. Joshua Guley and Dr. Michael Kinsley, the office provides a wide range of services, including teeth whitening and cleaning, custom dentures, and root canals. Whether you’re visiting for cosmetic or emergency services, you can trust them to provide you with the utmost care and attention. Visit them online for information, or call (478) 987-1441.
