
A divorce is a significant life event that ushers in a new normal for every member of the family. While change is hard for anyone, children might need assistance to understand the concept of divorce and what that’ll mean for them. To help make the transition as smooth as possible, use the help of a divorce attorney and be transparent with your children to avoid misunderstandings. If you need advice for navigating these conversations with your little ones, here are some suggestions.

How to Tell Your Kids You're Getting Divorced

1. Wait Until You're Sure

To avoid upsetting your children more than necessary, wait until you and your spouse have firmly decided and contacted a divorce attorney before breaking the news to the rest of the family. If you’ve been separated, the kids likely know this is a possibility, but you don't want to take them on an emotional roller coaster ride. 

2. Discuss Together

Sit down and tell the kids about the divorce together, as a family. This presents a united front and sends the message that while things may be changing, the kids still have two parents who love them. Don't argue in front of the kids or blame each other during the conversation, which could cause emotional distress. Leave the feuding to your divorce attorneys and focus on caring for your kids.

3. Remind Them That It Isn’t Their Fault

divorce attorneyKids have an uncanny ability to blame themselves when problems arise or the unexpected happens. To ensure they don’t feel responsible for the discord between you and your partner, assure them that the decision has nothing to do with them. Remind them that no matter the change, they still have two parents who love and support them.

4. Welcome Questions

Kids often have many questions about divorce, and leaving them in the dark could cause unnecessary stress. With that said, you don’t need to share personal details of your split. Keep things vague when discussing the reasons for the divorce, but when it comes to more concrete questions, like where they will live or which parent will be moving out, provide clear and concise answers to eliminate confusion.


With a little planning, you can ensure your family has an open and supportive conversation about divorce. The divorce attorneys at Kirksey Law Firm are here to help with the legal aspects of your split. Serving the Polk County, MO area, they offer representation in divorce and child custody cases, as well as auto accidents, and workplace or personal injuries. See what they can help with on their website, or call (417) 326-4529 to arrange a consultation.
