
Snoring is more than an annoyance — it can also negatively impact your well-being, including your dental health. While your dentist will provide you with an effective treatment plan for snoring-related dental issues, staying informed and taking certain steps yourself will also help. Here’s what you should know.  

Why People Snore

Virtually anyone can develop a problem with snoring. Common causes include nasal congestion, which is often chronic in people with allergies. Problems may occur within the airway, which may be too narrow or blocked by an internal structure. People who drink, use tobacco, or who are overweight are also more likely to snore. Older men tend to have the highest rates of snoring, although women also experience issues. 

How Snoring Causes Dental Issues

dentistDry mouth is a common side effect of snoring. Saliva washes away plaque and bacteria that would otherwise cling to your teeth and cause decay. It’s also responsible for neutralizing harmful acids that wear away tooth enamel. Insufficient saliva production increases the chance of oral infections and contributes to bad breath. 

How You Can Stop Snoring

Your dentist can recommend refreshing sprays or mouth rinses to help with dry mouth. You can also increase the level of moisture in the air when you sleep by using a humidifier. When it comes to snoring itself, a sleep study may be necessary to get to the bottom of the issue. If you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be fitted with an oral device or machine that helps open your airways. If the problem stems from diet and exercise, you may be counseled to lose weight. If it stems from nasal blockage, medication or even surgery could be recommended. 


Based in Lorain County, OH, Avon Dental Care believes in a comprehensive approach to dental issues. Along with dry mouth treatments, these dentists will also help you reverse the ravages of decay thanks to more than two decades of preventative care experience. Learn more about scheduling a free smile analysis with a trusted dentist by calling (440) 937-2273. Prepare for your first visit by checking out the website
