
You’ve got an adorable new puppy — while its high energy is infectious, start training right away so your pup can be safe and follow basic commands. To the experts at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital in Southgate, KY, training and wellness testing are top priorities. If your dog isn’t motivated by food or you don’t want to use commercial treats, use the tips below to learn how to train your pooch without them.

4 Pointers for Training Your Dog Without Treats

1. Minimize Distractions

Puppies and young dogs are interested in everything, so minimize distractions when training them. These include other pets, children, food, and outdoor animals like squirrels or birds. To do this, work with your puppy indoors, in a large enough area to practice heeling, sitting, and other basics. Once they have a handle on fundamental commands, extend practice areas outdoors. If your pup exhibits excessive barking, distracted behavior, or lethargy, talk to a vet and schedule wellness testing.

2. Play as Points

Rather than incentivizing them with dog treats, give your pooch playtime to reward for good behavior. Play is a healthier kind of positive reinforcement than food. Use your dog’s favorite toy as you would a treat, keeping it visible but out of reach until they perform the desired action. Engage in a few minutes of play when they respond correctly.

3. Praisewellness testing

Good, old-fashioned praise is an excellent way to reward your puppy for responding to training. Pets, kisses, and loving words in a soothing tone will help your pet associate obedience with positive feedback and affection.

4. Healthy Food

If your dog doesn’t respond to play and praise, no matter how you try to focus them, try giving healthy treats instead of commercial dog snacks. Meat or cheese are good alternatives, but check with a vet before resorting to too much cheddar or chicken. As a dog who has been habituated to food rewards grows older, it’s easier for them to gain weight. Be mindful of intake and schedule regular wellness testing for your dog.


Training your dog helps keep them safe and happy. To maintain your dog’s health and vaccinations, visit Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital. They offer wellness testing, a “Vaccinations For Life Program,” dental care, boarding, and spay and neuter procedures. Visit them online to learn more about their services or call (859) 781-1800 to make an appointment.
