
Having a well on your property offers you access to a near-unlimited supply of fresh water without the cost associated with using the city’s supply. However, you’ll need to perform water testing and analysis on it at periodic intervals to ensure that nothing has tainted the water. The guide below explains what maintenance is involved and why it is crucial.

Potential Contaminants

Chemicals can wind up in water wells if washed there by rains and can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, with longer-term consequences if consumed repeatedly. Bacteria and viruses are also sources of concern. Giardia, salmonella, and cryptosporidium are three widespread contaminants found in American drinking water, brought there from sewage and polluted runoff. Alternatively, minerals found in well water, such as iron and calcium, can have positive effects for your health in small amounts—helping bolster the strength of your bones and teeth. However, too much can be problematic.

Water Testing & Analysis Timing

water testing & analysisIf you use a private well, have it inspected once a year to make sure it has nothing unfortunate growing in it. If your house features a septic tank, you’ll need to get these check-ins more frequently as the risk of contamination is higher due to the proximity of the sewage container. Additionally, schedule water testing and analysis if the local government has issued an alert about contaminated groundwater or if you notice the water is no longer clear or gives off a strange taste or odor. For added safety, consider installing a filter, which will help clean your water of impurities.


Homeowners interested in hiring water testing and analysis experts to assess their well should contact Fertig Drilling, which has helped residents of Elko County, NV, for more than 40 years. In addition to providing well maintenance and repairs, they can offer solutions for keeping your water clean and ready to drink. Visit the website for information on their timely, professional services. Or call (775) 753-7960 to schedule an appointment.
