
Vinyl siding is an incredibly popular option for homes thanks to its cost-effective price point, versatility, and low maintenance durability. That being said, siding contractors are quick to remind clients that under certain conditions, mold and mildew can thrive on vinyl. Here are a few ways to avoid this situation. 

3 Tips to Prevent Mold & Mildew Growth on Vinyl Siding

1. Perform Visual Inspections

Vinyl SidingMold tends to grow in damp, shady areas, so get to know your house and what areas stay moist or receive minimal sun exposure. Once you’ve pinpointed your problem areas, make a habit of performing visual inspections of your vinyl siding so you can catch signs of mold early on. Should you notice mold growth, clean these areas immediately using a solution of 25% bleach and 75% water. Leave the solution on any mildew for 30 minutes and then rinse your siding with water and wipe it down. 

3. Check Your Rain Gutters

Clogged or broken rain gutters allow moisture to stay close to your home, causing mildew. As part of your exterior maintenance routine, inspect and clean your gutters each season. Consider reaching out to roofing contractors for a professional cleaning and inspection once a year to keep your gutter system in top-notch condition. 

4. Clean Siding Frequently

To maintain your home’s visual appeal and to minimize the risk of mildew growth, power wash your vinyl siding on a seasonal basis as well. This process will remove dirt, grime, and possible mold spores so your house siding is both clean and protected from future issues. 


If you’re based in the Greater Rochester, NY, area, and need a team of dedicated siding contractors to install and maintain your vinyl siding for years to come, call Ontario Exteriors today at (585) 421-0880 to schedule a consultation. In addition to siding, they also install and repair roofing, gutters, and skylights. To learn more about this fully licensed and insured local business, visit their website
