
You don’t want to turn on your air conditioning unit right before summer starts only to realize there’s a problem. Unfortunately, summer is the busiest time for HVAC contractors, which means it could be hard to schedule the necessary repairs. Below are a few steps you can take in late spring to get your unit ready for warmer weather. 

How to Get Your Air Conditioning Unit Ready for Summer

1. Replace the Air Filters

Filters clogged with dust, dirt, and debris can reduce the system’s overall efficiency and lower your indoor air quality, resulting in runny noses, itchy eyes, and respiratory issues. To prevent these symptoms, change the air filter before the summer starts to ensure the system is ready for the extra workload. Going forward, you should change the filter on a consistent schedule—about every three months. 

2. Clear Out the Outdoor Air Conditioning Unit

Air Conditioning UnitsThroughout the winter, your outdoor unit can become overrun with piles of debris that restrict its airflow. Ensure the area surrounding the unit is clear of any grass or branches in at least two feet in every direction to maximize your system’s airflow.

3. Install a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat will help keep your home at a comfortable temperature without a spike in your utility bills from summer usage. You can program the air conditioning unit to turn on when you are at home and shut off while you are at work. Not only will this help you save money, but it is also more energy-efficient and better for the environment. 


Don’t wait until the start of summer to discover your air conditioning unit needs repairs. Make sure your system is ready by contacting the professional HVAC contractors at Marvin’s Heating & Air Conditioning in San Marcos, TX. With more than 36 years of experience, their team can provide a range of HVAC services, including air conditioning installations and maintenance. Schedule your maintenance appointment by calling (512) 396-4791, or learn more about their AC services online.