
Choosing the right dumpster for the job can be a challenge. Each one serves a specific purpose and comes with assorted features that make it unique. Two of the most popular options are rear-load and roll-off dumpster rentals. Consider the following differences to determine which container is the best fit for your needs.

What Makes Rear-Load Dumpster Rentals Unique?

Rear-load dumpsters are most commonly found on residential properties. Their compact construction makes them easy to maneuver and allows those with spatial constraints to obtain a container for their trash. The opening extends down a portion of the side to provide easy access and there’s a lid that’s made to fit perfectly over top. This helps keep inquisitive animals out and prevents unpleasant odors from escaping.

What makes these dumpster rentals different is the fact that they’re emptied directly on the property. The company brings in their big collection truck and transfers all of the waste from the container into the hopper. They then haul away the trash and leave the dumpster until the next scheduled pickup.

What About a Roll-Off Dumpster Rental?

dumpster rentalRoll-off dumpsters are usually found on construction sites. They come in much larger sizes than their rear-load counterparts and have openings that extend along their entire lengths. This simplifies the process of collecting waste from demolition and provides enough space for unwieldly pieces of material. There’s usually a door at one end of the dumpster so that you can walk items in rather than throwing them over the side.

Keep in mind that these dumpsters are only available on a temporary basis. Once they reach capacity, the company will load them onto their truck and haul them away for disposal. An easy way to ensure that there’s always a place for waste is to secure another rental shortly after letting the first one go.


If you’re interested in learning more about dumpster rentals, reach out to Sterling Superior Services of Franklin, CT. They offer quality trash removal services and maintain a wide assortment of containers. Their Superior Recycling facility provides top-of-the-line disposal and upholds industry standards for dealing with waste. Fully licensed and insured, these professionals are ready to supply the solutions you need. Call (860) 642-7351 to secure a rental or visit their website for additional information on the dumpsters that they have available.

