
As a parent, you know that good dental hygiene is a crucial habit to instill in your children early on. However, getting your child to want to visit the dentist is often easier said than done. To help them overcome any nervous jitters and create a positive experience at the dental office, here are some helpful pointers.

3 Ways to Help a Child Overcome a Dental Phobia

1. Start Dental Visits at an Early Age

A pediatric dentist is specially trained to make the teeth-cleaning experience fun and pleasant for your little one. The earlier you can acclimate your child to the dentist, the easier it will be to familiarize them with the equipment and make them more comfortable. Children can typically begin dental exams as early as one, so the sooner you can start making dental visits part of their routine, the better.

2. Make Teeth Cleaning Fun

dentistA trip to the dentist doesn’t have to be daunting; in fact, it should be enjoyable. Start a fun routine at home by letting your child pick out a favorite toothbrush at the store, for example. Try implementing a teeth brushing routine where you brush together at the same time each day. Then, when it’s time for a dental visit, give your child plenty of positive reinforcement. Let them know how proud you are of them and reward their good behavior. Perhaps treat them to their favorite meal or let them engage in a fun activity afterward.  

3. Leave Your Anxiety Out of the Equation

Fear of dental visits is often a learned behavior, so you should avoid sharing any of your own worries with your child. Maintaining a calm, measured demeanor will help put your child at ease. It can also help encourage them to focus on the benefits of the visit. Let them know that their mouth will feel clean, they’ll have a brighter smile, and they’ll get a fun souvenir to take home after a great visit.


If you’re ready to instill healthy dental habits in your little one, put your trust in Hill Country Dental Associates in Kerrville, TX. Providing quality care for patients of all ages, this reputable dentist provides cutting-edge restoration solutions from teeth whitening to dental implants. With a focus on education and prevention, they’ll help your child maintain a healthy smile for a lifetime. To make an appointment with a pediatric dentist, give them a call today at (830) 257-3000 or visit them online.
