
Solar panels offer a sustainable method of harnessing the energy you need to power your home. Like any appliance, they require a certain level of care and maintenance. Whether you’ve recently turned to a photovoltaic system or are considering installation, you’re likely wondering how to keep them clear of debris. The following guide explores the biggest do’s and don’ts of solar panel cleaning.


Try the hose first.

A standard garden hose is typically enough to effectively rinse dirt, dust, and debris from your panels. However, if there’s substantial accumulation, you may need a more targeted approach. For heavy-duty cleaning, find an extendable pole with a soft brush or a squeegee and sponge on the end.

Time your cleaning.

solar panelsYou should plan to clean in the morning, early afternoon, or on an overcast day. In full sunlight, solar panels can generate intense heat, and any liquid used to wash them will evaporate quickly, rendering cleaners ineffective. Scrubbing in these conditions will smear the grime across your panels.


Neglect cleaning.

Neglecting maintenance can hinder the efficiency of your photovoltaic system. Over time, the buildup may partially block sunlight, generating less electricity. The best way to determine how often your panels need cleaning is to monitor changes in power output.

Use detergents or abrasive products.

Rough brushes, sponges, metal tools, and abrasive powders can scratch glass, while detergent may leave streaks. A solution of warm, clean water and soap should be enough to leave your panels spotless. Be sure to thoroughly rinse off all soap.


If you noticed issues with your panels while cleaning, reach out to Solar Help Hawaii to get them repaired or replaced. This local alternative energy company provides professional installation, maintenance, and repair services to homeowners across Oahu. Whether you want a solar pump for your pool or a solar water heater, they’ll work with you to ensure your energy needs are met. Call (808) 548-4357 to schedule a consultation, or visit their website for more information about their solar panels.
