
End of life planning usually means deciding who gets your house and car and where your savings should go. In the midst of these arrangements, people tend to overlook one very important thing — their pets. Your companion can’t advocate for themselves, so you need to leave arrangements for their care in case you pass away before them. If you’re preparing your will and trust documents, here are some of the biggest reasons your pet should be included. 

Why You Should Add Your Pet to Your Will & Trust

While many see their pets as beloved members of the family, the law designates them as property. Without a plan in place for your pet's care, they could end up in a shelter. If there’s a sudden tragedy, your friends and family may not know what to do with your pets, leading to more confusion and stress in an already difficult time. Including your pet in your will is also a good idea to ensure bonded pets stay together. By planning in advance, a caretaker will already be established so there are no surprises. 

How to Include Your Pet

Wills and TrustsBefore you begin writing the details of your will and trust, you’ll need to make a few arrangements. Choose your caregiver and make sure they agree with your plan. It’s never a good idea to assume your closest friend or family member will be willing to take your pets in. When selecting your caregiver, choose someone good with animals and, preferably, someone your pet already knows and loves. Set aside a fund to help care for your pet and ease the financial burden for the new caregiver. 


If you need help drafting your will and trust to include your pet, turn to the professional attorneys at Sponcler & Tharpe LLC in Dalton, GA. This compassionate and knowledgeable team understands the difficulties that come with making decisions about your estate, which is why they’ve proudly explained every step of the process to their clients for more than 30 years. Visit them online to learn more about their practice areas or call (706) 278-5211 today to schedule a consultation.
