
Missing teeth can cause many issues with your smile, from shifting teeth to jaw problems. If your dentist is recommending dentures as the next step in your oral health care plan, you may be wondering what the process entails. Whether you decide on a partial or full set, sedation dentistry can make you more comfortable during the procedure. Here are a few of the main differences between the different types of dentures so you can decide which is best for you.

What Are Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures are an ideal solution if you only have a few missing teeth. They are typically made of a pink, gum-colored base with a few prosthetic teeth attached to it. Often, a metal framework holds the denture in place. When fitting you for partial dentures, your dentist will create an impression of your mouth and have a custom piece made to fill any spaces where teeth are missing. If any teeth need to be extracted for the dentures to fit, they can use sedation dentistry to ease your anxieties. By filling in the gaps, the denture will prevent other teeth from shifting and changing positions. 

What Are Complete Dentures?

sedation dentistryIf your oral health problems are more complex and you’re missing a majority of your teeth, your dentist might recommend complete dentures as the best treatment method. Just like partial dentures, complete ones will be made of a gum-colored base and will be removed for cleaning. The dentist will take a mold of your mouth to ensure the dentures fit comfortably and work properly. These dentures will replace all of your natural teeth, which means you may require extraction for any that are remaining. Sedation dentistry will likely be used during this process to expedite the treatment and keep you comfortable.


Whether you need full or partial dentures, the professionals at Family First Dentistry in Anchorage, AK, can help you make the right decision for your oral health. These dentists provide basic cleanings as well as more extensive treatments, and they’ll address your needs with care and expert knowledge. To make the experience as comfortable as possible, they’re proud to offer sedation dentistry. To learn more about this practice, visit them online. Call (907) 562-2820 to schedule an appointment today.
