
Looking for an afternoon snack that won’t blow your calorie budget? You may think healthy snacking sounds boring, but a quick, healthy snack can be something very satisfying in your day.  Many Americans get an abundance of their calories from foods other than their three meals a day, so remember to watch for added sugar and salt in packaged snacks by reading the nutrition labels. 

Healthy Snacks On-the-Go:

These ideas below can be prepped, organized, and made front and center in your fridge to allow you a healthy nutritious option when the need arises.  

Edamame - 1 cup of these delicious, green soybeans are light and crunchy and supply 5 grams of protein for only 75 calories.

Carrots and Hummus – This simple snack is tasty and perfect for a filling savory taste.  1 cup of carrots with ¼ cup of hummus contains 4 grams of dietary fiber that will fill you up.

Almonds and Dried Cranberries Trail mix is a hearty choice filled with healthy fats, and a balanced amount of carbohydrates and fats.  12 almonds with ¼ cup dried cranberries = 185 calories. Take note of pre-packaged mixes with higher amounts of sugar.  

Hard-boiled Egg – This simple snack contains 6 grams of protein and is easy to grab and go for a mid-day snack or a quick breakfast on the go.

Apple with Nut butter (1 Tbsp) –  With just under 5 grams of protein and fiber this sweet treat  is perfect to balance blood sugars and keep you satisfied until your next meal.

Adding snacks in to your day is a great opportunity for you to eat more fruits and vegetables.  For more ideas about healthy eating or to speak with a health care professional about our weight loss programs in Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE please visit  

