
Dogs have long been regarded as man's best friend, but unfortunately, they don't always live up to that reputation. In fact, more than 4.5 million individuals across the U.S. are bitten by canines every year. Luckily, many victims are entitled to compensation thanks to personal injury laws. If you've been bitten by another person's pet, here's a closer look at what you need to know about filing a claim.

A Guide to Personal Injury Law for Dog Bites

What Should You Do If You’re Injured? 

Your first priority after being bitten is getting checked out by medical professionals. This ensures your wound is properly cleaned, preventing infection. Afterward, seek assistance from a personal injury attorney who’s familiar with dog bite claims. They'll review the incident information and determine the best way to move forward with your case.

Who Is Legally Responsible?

Lpersonal injury lawiability for dog bites varies by situation. In most cases, it's the animal’s owner, but property owners, landlords, and temporary caregivers may also be held responsible if they willingly allowed the dog on their property.

In North Carolina, the personal injury law for dog bites follows a strict-liability methodology. For that reason, you aren't required to show negligence on the part of the owner. Instead, proving them liable only requires that you were either injured as a result of the bite or that the dog was already defined as "dangerous" by a local agency.

What Damages Are Recoverable?

The goal with most bite-related personal injury lawsuits is recouping financial losses caused by the attack. In many cases, victims request damages for medical expenses and lost wages related to the injury. Additionally, in severe cases, there's an opportunity to pursue punitive damages, as long as there's obvious evidence proving negligence on the part of the owner.


If you've been injured by a dog, discuss your case with Randy L. Cranford Attorney at Law in Thomasville, NC. Offering more than 30 years of experience, the attorney represents residents throughout Davidson County with everything from personal injury law to workers' compensation. He’ll determine who is liable in your case and help you pursue the damages you deserve. Learn more about his expertise online, or call (336) 476-3115 to request your consultation today.
