
Suffering from joint and back pain? I know how that feels, I used to have constant back pain from having Scoliosis and now more recently have had joint pain occasionally-and I’m only 18 years old. There are tons of people of all ages suffering from constant back pain and joint pain. Most people leave it untreated and continue to live in pain because they don’t know how to reduce or treat their back and joint pain. What if I told you there was a way to reduce back and joint pain without having to go to endless doctors appointment? Would you do it? It’s called Osteogenic Loading. It only takes 10 minutes out of your day once a week. That’s it! Osteogenic Loading is a device, or type of device that is designed to allow individuals to self – compress the bones of the body, stimulating a bone density response.


How does this help my pain?

Your skeletal system  one of the most important parts of your body and when it is weak it can cause issues so when you utilize the Osteogenic Loading Device, you are strengthening your muscular system, you see results such as reduction or complete elimination of your joint and back pain. Amazing right?

Where can I do Osteogenic Loading?

Come to the OsteoStrong wellness center in O’Fallon. The wellness team will get you set up and onto the Osteogenic Loading Devices to make your skeletal system stronger. Members are seeing tremendous results in as little time as 6 months. Start living your life pain free TODAY.  Make your appointment today (636)-238-8696 and get your FREE session and assessment from the wellness team!


OsteoStrong offers help for Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, joint pain, back pain, athletic performance. 
