
Life is unexpected, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for every possible outcome. As a young adult, part of that preparation includes meeting with an attorney to form an estate plan. Unfortunately, many people feel this is a task better suited to married couples or individuals with children. However, it’s never too early to get started on protecting your assets, especially when you consider the following points.

3 Reasons to Start Estate Planning Attorney Now

1. Ensure Your Wishes Are Respected

Do you have opinions on how you’d want things to be handled if you’re unable to speak for yourself? For example, how do you feel about being kept on life support in the event of an unexpected accident? Do you have wishes regarding whether you’d want a traditional burial or to have your ashes scattered? The only way to ensure these wishes are respected when you can’t express them is to have them outlined in a formal estate plan.

2. Protect Your Privacy

attorneyFor many people, social media platforms provide an opportunity to connect with friends and family and curate meaningful, personal content. These profiles bear a level of importance, especially when they’re looked at as a representation of yourself to the outside world. As such, should you pass away unexpectedly, you’ll want to have a plan in place for how these accounts are handled. When you meet with the estate planning attorney, they’ll help you compile all the necessary information associated with each platform, such as the login information and types of associated content. Once this information is gathered, they’ll help you select and designate a successor who will then execute any desired wishes associated with maintaining or taking down the accounts.

3. Prevent an Undesirable Division of Assets

Even if you’re young, you likely have belongings that mean a great deal to you. This could include jewelry, artwork, personal memorabilia, or even just financial assets. Without a will designating specific beneficiaries, there’s no way to ensure these assets will be given to the people you’d hope for. To avoid this issue, meet with your attorney and compile a comprehensive list of all your valuable belongings. Then, go through that list and clearly outline how they should be distributed in the event you pass away.


As you can see, it’s never too early to begin estate planning. If you’re ready to get started, turn to the experienced attorneys at Sanders, Ranck & Skilling, P.C. in Toccoa, GA. Since 1972, this firm has prioritized the well-being and security of all their clients, helping with everything from personal injury cases to family law. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (706) 886-7533 to discuss your estate planning needs today.
