
Like other technologies, HVAC systems have improved over the years. Those available today provide better energy-efficiency and increased comfort for residents. If your home’s system has become dated and you’re looking to upgrade, here’s why spring is the perfect time. 

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your HVAC System in Spring 

1. Sustain Your Home Through Weather Fluctuations

In most parts of the country, spring often means constant temperature fluctuations, making it difficult to sustain a comfortable home without receiving high energy bills. A quality system will effectively filter out the dust and pollen that come with spring, causing the system to work more efficiently as it cleans your home’s air; this is especially important for people with respiratory problems like asthma.

2. Make Travel Easier

hvac systemMany people schedule family vacations during the summer months when schools are out, and it’s easier to take off from work. On older systems, the temperature settings must be manually adjusted to avoid energy loss or home damage due to heat waves. Newer models have smart controls that allow you to monitor and regulate your home from anywhere with an internet connection, saving you money.

3. Prepare for the Summer Heat

As spring turns to summer, the temperatures will rise to the point that older air conditioning systems cannot keep up. Newer ones, on the other hand, have technologies—such as zoning systems and easy-access air filters—that allow them to keep the house comfortable even during heat waves. Making the switch before the hot weather arrives will ensure your family stays safe and cool.


If you’re searching for a contractor to install a new Mitsubishi Electric HVAC system, contact the team at Toms River Heating & Air Conditioning. For over 40 years, they’ve served the residents of Ocean and Monmouth counties, NJ. To speak with a member of their team about an HVAC system upgrade, contact them online or call (732) 244-2880.
