
Although it’s easy to watch what you eat at home, it can be difficult to stick to a diet when dining out at a restaurant. With so many mouthwatering options to choose from, you might be tempted to cheat, compromising your hard work. Following the dining strategies outlined below will ensure you enjoy a memorable, healthy meal.  

3 Tips to Make Healthy Choices at Restaurants

1. Skip the Sauce

Although sauces add flavor to a wide variety of foods, they can also be the source of a lot of unwanted oil, sugar, and salt. If a menu item piques your interests, ask whether it can be prepared with sauce on the side. Going without all of the gravy will drop the calorie count of your lunch or dinner considerably. 

2. Practice Portion Control 

Saint-Louis-Missouri-restaurantThe portions served at restaurants often fill the entire plate, equaling about two or three regular-sized servings. With so much food in front of you, you might be tempted to continue eating even after you’re full. To prevent this, share your food with dining companions. You can also ask for a second plate to divide the meal into a smaller portion. You can give the rest back to the waiter to put in a bag to take home. 

3. Stay Away From Sugary Drinks

When your waiter takes the beverage order, stick with tap water or seltzer. Unlike soft drinks and alcohol, both options are low in calories and have no sugar. For a bit of flavor, add a squirt of lemon or orange. It will add a refreshing citrus taste to the beverage—without adding much sugar. 


If you are looking for a diverse array of healthy, flavorful fare, served in a friendly atmosphere, mark the reopening of Beffa's in your calendar. Located in St. Louis, MO, this family-owned restaurant has a long-standing history in the community that spans over a century. The staff is eager to greet customers once again for lunch and live music when the restaurant reopens in July. To learn more about the upcoming opening, call (314) 698-7669 or follow them on Facebook. Visit their website to learn more about their history.
