
It’s natural to feel shaken after discovering someone has broken into your house. Knowing a stranger has caused property damage, rummaged through your things, and stolen expensive possessions is a major violation of privacy. After such an incident, take the steps outlined below to help everyone in the family recover and get their lives back on track.

What to Do After Someone Breaks Into Your Home

1. Make Sure Everyone Is Safe

Instruct family members in advance to hide or discreetly exit the building — and call for help as soon as they’re able — if they are home during a break-in. After the intruder has left or been arrested, make sure everyone is okay. Seeing parents panic can frighten little ones, so keep calm while dealing with the situation.

2. Call the Policeproperty damage

After checking on building occupants, call the local police department. Officers will arrive at the scene to help. They will speak with neighbors to see if they saw the intruder, dust for fingerprints, assess the severity of property damage, and take inventory of stolen items to file in their report. Be as specific as possible when describing stolen belongings; police will use this information to search for stolen goods that match your descriptions.

3. Secure Vulnerable Areas

If intruders dismantled doors or smashed windows to get inside, place trash bags or tarps over the openings. These will serve as makeshift coverings to keep moisture and bugs out of your house while you take pictures for the insurance claim. Next, call professional board-up services for help. They will fasten solid wood barriers onto doors and windows to prevent further theft and property damage until you can replace the fixtures.


If you’ve experienced a burglary, fire, or another disaster, reach out to the team at The Board Up Co. in Chesterfield, MO, for help. This locally owned and operated company will respond quickly, board up your building, and install an emergency roof tarp, if necessary, to keep out intruders and minimize further property damage. For a free board-up or clean-out service estimate in the St. Louis County area, call (314) 954-3200. Visit the crew online for more information and become a Twitter follower for announcements and updates.
