
When it comes to preserving your oral health, eating the right foods can prevent cavities and other complications. Additionally, munching more mindfully can help keep your teeth white. In addition to seeing your dentist regularly, consider the tips in this guide to improve the appearance of your smile.


Munch on fibrous fruits.

Fruits like apples that require lots of chewing can naturally scrub your teeth while you eat. Veggies like celery and cauliflower have a similar effect. Eating more of these fruits and vegetables can also help you avoid added sugar, which leads to cavities. Consider these foods the powerhouses of dental wellness. 

Rinse your teeth often.

dentistIf you don’t have time to brush your teeth during the day, take a moment to quickly rinse after consuming a staining food or beverage. While this might not be a perfect solution, it will rinse away some of the staining agents that linger on your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend a mouthwash to use throughout the day.


Overdo it on the sauces. 

Soy sauce, pasta sauce, and other dark sauces are staples in many cuisines, but you need to eat them in moderation, as these ingredients can stain your teeth over time. Balsamic vinegar has a similar effect. Swap these additions for white or clear sauces when possible. 

Drink coffee and tea excessively. 

You don’t have to give up your morning cup of coffee, but try to limit this dark beverage as much as possible. Coffee and dark teas contain staining agents that absorb into your teeth. You can prevent longterm staining by swapping these drinks out for water during the day.


While you can prevent staining by avoiding certain foods and eating others, your dentist’s office is the best place to explore whitening solutions. If you’re interested in improving the appearance of your smile, the team at Helmbrecht Dental can help you understand your options. Located in Fairbanks, AK, these dentists offer professional whitening, routine teeth cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, and other general dentistry services. No matter your dental health needs, this staff will help you feel comfortable in their relaxing office environment. To view a full list of their services, visit the website, or call (907) 456-1237 to schedule an appointment today.
