
As a parent, you know taking your child to the dentist is a crucial part of helping them maintain a beautiful and healthy smile. But setting the foundation for a future of optimal oral health requires more than just a bi-annual appointment. For the best results with your little one’s smile, follow the do’s and don’ts listed below. 


Teach them why oral hygiene matters.

The earlier you highlight the necessity of oral health, the likelier it is that your child will maintain favorable habits throughout their lifetime. Explain why everyone needs to brush and floss their teeth twice a day, and have them watch you demonstrate how it’s done. You can drive home these points by showing them pictures of their favorite singer or TV character smiling and explaining how they got such a beautiful grin or by reading them children’s books about teeth.

Limit their sugar intake.

dentistA small treat now and then won’t ruin your child’s oral health. But an overabundance of sugar in their diet will lead to plaque buildup and cavities. When your little one is craving something sweet, opt for a piece of fruit instead. Go for fibrous options, like apples or strawberries, as these will help clean the teeth as well. 


Wait to take them to the dentist. 

You might think your little one doesn’t need to see the dentist until they have a full set of baby teeth. However, this isn’t true—you should schedule an appointment for them as soon as their first few teeth start to emerge. Doing so will make it easier to care for their oral health over time, rather than trying to play catch-up once all their teeth are in place. Additionally, early exposure will help your child get comfortable in the environment, making them less likely to be afraid of the dentist later on.

Encourage unhealthy habits. 

It’s normal for toddlers to suck on their thumbs or pacifiers for comfort. However, don’t let this habit go unchecked for too long. Both actions over an extended time can cause the teeth to grow in misaligned. Additionally, they may impede proper growth for your child’s jaw. Try to wean them off this habit as soon as possible to avoid these issues. 


If it’s time to bring your little one in for a check-up, visit Dr. Richard Wells Mittelstadt in Anchorage, AK. Dr. Wells understands the care and patience needed when working with children, and he will ensure your child is comfortable, healthy, and happy during teeth cleanings and treatments. Call (907) 272-9214 to schedule a visit with this dentist today. 
