
While virtually everyone enjoys a soft drink or other sweet beverage, the long-term effects of copious amounts of sugary beverages are frightening. People who keep themselves educated on dental health will find it easier to take the necessary steps to prevent problems that could result in tooth extraction or root canals. Dr. Robert Petrtyl, who has a dental practice in Cincinnati, wants readers to be informed on some important facts regarding the detrimental effects of sugary drinks:

  • Soft Drinks Ruin Enamel: The enamel is the hardened outer layer on teeth that protects the internal parts of each tooth. When a person consistently drinks soda, the phosphate and citric acid in the beverage will wear down the enamel. When the enamel is weakened, it allows bacteria and all the sugar from the soft drink to eat away at the inside layers of teeth, which then results in cavities.
  • Diet Beverages Aren't Any Better: Don't make the mistake of believing diet soda and other beverages will keep a person safe from tooth decay and other health problems. Drinks like fruit juices, sports drinks, and diet sodas contain high acidic levels as well. This acid will erode the teeth through acid attacks that last for 20 minutes after each sip.
  • Prevent Tooth Decay: Only drink sugary beverages in moderation. Drink water after drinking other beverages to rinse out the mouth. Also, other precautions such as sipping from a straw and never drinking before bed can help protect teeth.

Talk to Dr. Robert Petrtyl today at (513) 554-4657 to learn more about the harmful effects of sugary drinks and how to prevent dental health problems. Visit the website to see a full list of the practice's general dentistry services.
