
If you’ve recently purchased a hearing aid, you may feel frustrated that you have to change the battery every few days. What you may not know is that it’s easy to sabotage battery life without knowing it. However, correcting these mistakes is easy, and you could get a week or more out of each battery. Follow the tips below to minimize your battery budget.

How to Maximize Your Hearing Aid Battery Life

1. Be Mindful of Expiration

All batteries lose their efficacy over time, so you should check expiration dates when you’re buying, and buy in limited batches. For optimal life span, find batteries that expire a year or more after the day you’re buying them. When you’re installing new ones, pick the oldest ones first.

2. Follow Proper Change Procedures

hearing aidWhen it’s time for a fresh battery, wash your hands to prevent dirt and oils from transferring and causing corrosion. Then remove the tab and let the battery sit undisturbed for at least 5 minutes. These power sources rely on a reaction between air and zinc, so letting them breathe will kickstart the reaction and extend their life span.

3. Know How to Store Them

Before the batteries are placed in the hearing aids, they should be kept at room temperature in a low-humidity spot. Some people may tell you to store them in the refrigerator, but the ambient moisture in the fridge can corrode the batteries and reduce their life span. Once they’re in use, don’t store your hearing aids in the bathroom, and open the battery door while you’re not using them.


By following these tips, you’ll be able to hear with fewer interruptions for battery changing. If you need a replacement set of hearing aids, think you might be eligible to start using them, or need household projects such as alarm clocks and phones for the hearing impaired, visit Heartland Better Hearing Inc. Based in Elizabethtown, KY, they’re dedicated to helping those with hearing loss maintain their quality of life. Call (270) 735-9352 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn about their products.
