
Buying a car can be an exciting and rewarding process, but it still deserves a considerable amount of deliberation. If you’re buying a used car, it’s especially important to be wary of the vehicle’s condition. Before you commit to a car or truck, take it to an auto shop for a thorough inspection. Below is a brief explanation of what this process entails, and why it’s essential.

A Guide to Pre-Purchase Inspections for Used Cars

Why You Should Go Before You Buy

Some people hesitate to ask the dealer or private seller for a pre-purchase inspection because they expect some sort of hassle or confrontation. However, if the seller puts up a fight when you suggest an inspection, this isn’t a problem—it’s a clear red flag that the used car is in bad shape, and you should probably walk away. If they do agree, you’ll learn specific details about the car’s condition, gaining confidence in your purchase.  

What an Inspection Covers

If taken to a reputable auto shop, your vehicle inspection will cover upwards of 100 points, which the technician can reveal in a written list. By visually inspecting and test driving the vehicle, they will be able to verify the effectiveness of its various systems, as well as assess the level of wear and tear on things like the tires and transmission. If there are any issues lurking under the hood, or within the frame and auto body, they will be discovered. They may also assess the diagnostic system within the car to check for electrical issues.

How It Can Save You Money

If there are problems with the used car you’re interested in, the inspection will clearly outline them for both you and the seller or dealer. While you may choose to walk away from a flawed vehicle, you could also use the inspection results to save money. With proof from a professional auto shop, you’ll have valuable evidence to fall back on when negotiating the purchase with the seller, lowering the price of the vehicle based on its condition and value.


If you’re eager to buy a used vehicle, don’t sign on the dotted line without taking the car to an auto shop. Drivers in the Columbia, MO, area head to Privitt Auto Service Center for their pre-purchase inspections. This auto shop has been in business since 1963, and they continue to provide reliable maintenance and towing services for area motorists. To schedule an appointment, call them at (573) 449-7941. You can also learn more about their auto services by visiting the website.
