
Back pain is a common occurrence, affecting 80 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. Since it’s an issue that can range from mildly uncomfortable to downright debilitating, many people aren’t sure when they should seek treatment. Below are a few telltale signs that you could benefit from seeing a chiropractor or other medical professional. 

3 Times You Should Seek Treatment for Back Pain

1. Pain That Lasts for at Least a Week

When you first notice back pain, rest as much as possible and apply ice or heat as needed. If self-care practices don’t help after a week or so, a chiropractor may be able to relieve your discomfort through spinal adjustments and manipulations. However, if the pain is particularly acute and prevents you from sleeping or working, don't wait; schedule an appointment with your regular physician to rule out any underlying condition that may require further treatment.  

2. Pain That Goes Beyond the Back

back painIf your back pain isn't limited to your back, it could be a red flag that medical intervention is necessary. For example, pain that extends from the back down one leg can be a symptom of a ruptured disc. Also, monitor your general overall health; if you notice weight loss, fever, or changes in bathroom habits, see a medical professional right away.

3. Pain That's Worse at Night

Back pain that increases at night can be indicative of more serious conditions. These include inflammatory diseases and nerve issues on the milder end and fractures, infections, or metastatic illnesses on the more concerning end. If your pain levels seem more intense at night, see a medical doctor or a chiropractor.


Ongoing back pain should never be ignored. Dr. Jack Harrison, D.C., and his team at North Pole Chiropractic in Alaska provide on-site X-rays to determine the root cause of your issue and develop a care plan tailored to your needs. They offer a variety of treatments for pain relief, including adjustments, electrical muscle stimulation, and manipulations. Call (907) 488-1885 or visit their website to schedule an appointment today.
