
If you have crooked teeth, braces or Invisalign® can help you enjoy a straight, beautiful smile. But looks aren't the only reason to choose this approach. Properly aligned teeth will also have a noticeable effect on your physical and emotional health. Here’s why dentists recommend correcting your smile.

Why It’s Important to Use Invisalign or Braces

1. Increased Confidence

When you're proud of your smile, you'll smile more. This leads to an increased release of endorphins in your brain, which can boost your mood and improve your emotional health.

2. Easier Cleaning

Crooked teeth are difficult to brush and floss effectively, resulting in trapped food and plaque. This debris attracts bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. With teeth straightened by braces or Invisalign, oral hygiene is simple and effective.

3. Stronger Bite

invisalignWhen some teeth stick out farther than others or when the corners jut out, those areas are more likely to get injured. And even if they avoid injury, the teeth that stick out will wear more quickly. This can expose the softer dentin inside the tooth enamel or even the vulnerable soft tissue at the center of the tooth. Teeth that are properly aligned will support one another and protect each other from breakage.

4. Better Jaw Alignment

When your teeth are straight, your jaw will close properly when you bite down. This means you'll put less strain on the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. TMJ issues can cause jaw, head, and neck pain, so protecting your jaw protects your health.


If you're ready to straighten your teeth with Invisalign, choose Apex Dental Care. Based in Issaquah, WA, and serving King County for 17 years, they offer advanced treatments to ensure a high standard of care. From basic cleanings to dental implants, they're your source for both preventive and restorative dentistry. To schedule, call (425) 837-0383 or send a message online.
