
Over years of daily use, bathroom and kitchen sinks endure plenty of wear and tear. Glazed porcelain sinks are beautiful and durable, but even the best models may eventually scratch, chip, or stain. To prevent this deterioration in everyday use, take advantage of the following pointers.

3 Ways to Avoid Damaging a Porcelain Sink

1. Use the Right Tools

Go slow and steady when cleaning sinks. Use a soft sponge instead of wire or hard-bristled brush to scrub off dirt, grime, and toothpaste globs. Abrasive tools can leave scratches and chips that are prone to absorbing detritus, leading to discoloration. Wipe the basin dry promptly with a soft lint-free cloth to limit water stains. 

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

porcelain sinkYour bathroom sink may come into contact with harsh chemicals like nail polish remover. However, to preserve the quality of the porcelain, it’s crucial to use and store these products away from your sink. Acetone, bleach, and chemical drain cleaners can weaken the sealant covering your porcelain sink, making it more vulnerable to chips. In addition, limit the risk of hard impacts by storing hard or heavy objects, like flat irons, electric razors, or metal soap dishes, away from the rim. If you encounter a clog, call a professional plumber to pull the blockage out or snake it with a plastic rod rather than using chemicals that can abrade the surface. Use a gentle detergent solution when cleaning your sink. 

3. Use a Rubber Dish Mat

A porcelain sink adds a splash of style to any kitchen. Still, you’ll need to take special care of it, as washing dishes will present many opportunities for damage. To avoid harm, don’t leave multiple cups, plates, or pans to slosh around the basin as you work. Wash items one at time, and set them on a rubber mat to dry. If you don’t have a soft and springy surface to lay sharp knifes and heavy pots on, you may chip the edge of your sink just by putting them down.


If your porcelain sink does suffer some scratches or chips, don’t ignore them—get in touch with Porcelain Glaze. They’re proud to offer lasting, high-quality seal coating services to delicate plumbing fixtures throughout Clinton, CT. After glazing, you can worry less about scratches and chips and focus on getting though your daily routine. They also reglaze bathtubs and showers to protect your whole bathroom from cosmetic flaws. For more information on their preventive maintenance services, visit the website or call (860) 669-2576.
