
Trees are valuable additions to any commercial or residential landscape, providing visual interest, shade, and oxygen production. However, if you need to move them because they’re too close to underground pipes or you’re relocating, you’ll need a tree service’s assistance to transplant them. Follow this guide to successfully transplant trees.

Know Your Tree

Not all tree species should be transplanted once established. The size, age, and type will dictate whether a tree service will be able to successfully move the plant. It’s best to only uproot trees younger than five years old. Generally, deciduous plants should be moved in spring or early fall, or before new growth appears, and evergreens moved in the late summer. However, this may vary depending on your climate, so consult a professional arborist.

Prepare the Tree

Once you’ve determined the tree may be successfully moved, get ready for the process. Some tree service specialists recommend preparing the tree up to a year in advance by encouraging new root growth. To transplant:

  • Water: Hydrate the tree the day before moving.
  • Prepare the new location: Select a spot with sufficient sunlight and space for the tree to grow.
  • Dig the root ball: Dig parallel to the branch spread, keeping the root ball as intact as possible. Prune larger roots cleanly if necessary.
  • Cover the roots: Place the roots on a piece of damp burlap or canvas, and cover them to prevent drying.
  • Transplant: Move the tree to the new location as soon as possible.

Replanting Tips

tree-maintenanceThe new hole should be three times the size of the root ball. Planting depth should be equal to the soil mark on the trunk of the tree. Too deep and the roots may rot; too shallow and they’ll be damaged. Add compost to the bottom of the hole. Gently but firmly fill in soil around the tree, eliminating air pockets as you go.

Transplanting After Care

All trees will experience a degree of shock once moved and should be watered regularly to help them regain their health. Adding mulch or compost up to, but not on, the base of the tree will help feed it and conserve its moisture. Once new growth appears, add a fertilizer as recommended by an arborist. 


If you’re looking to transplant trees on your property, seek help from Arborist Services in Hilo, HI. The family-owned and -operated company offers complete tree maintenance, emergency care, and professional crane services to the entire Big Island. Visit their website to learn more about their tree services, or call (808) 895-6537 to schedule an appointment with an ISA-certified arborist.
