
When it comes to the biggest junk drawer in your house—your garage—sorting years of outdated electronics, broken outdoor equipment, seasonal decorations, and sentimental keepsakes can be a challenge in and of itself. However, once that hard work is finished, you’ll have another feat at hand: organizing the items you plan to keep. To prevent your garage from plunging into disarray again, use the following custom garage organizational tips.

3 Pointers for Custom Garage Organization

1. Install Shelves

Just like the best urban planners, you know that building vertically is going to save the maximum amount of space. Put your good sense into action by installing shelves along the walls of your garage. Leave larger spaces between shelves closer to the floor for storing bigger, heavier items, and smaller space between higher shelves for smaller, lighter objects. If the wall storage isn’t enough, you can erect standing shelves, which can be moved and rearranged for easy access.

2. Sort Into Labeled Bins

custom garageOf course, throwing those “keep” items right back onto the shelves in no particular order won’t do you any favors. Instead, develop a system that will make you proud to show guests your tidy garage. Use opaque plastic bins to hide those Christmas decorations and photo albums, and label them clearly, so you don’t have to go digging in the future. If you end up with some miscellaneous objects, put them in a clear plastic bin to reference at a glance.

3. Hang a Pegboard

If you use your garage to work on home improvement, mechanical repair, or arts and crafts projects, you’ll need to have a space set up for quick access to tools and supplies. While small storage bins work well for organizing tiny beads or nuts and bolts, larger objects can be hung on a pegboard. Hang this organizational tool over your custom garage workspace, so you can easily reach over and grab pliers or scissors.


If you need help building a custom garage that meets all your needs, get in touch with Feldhaus Home Improvement of Cincinnati, OH. They have over 80 years of experience remodeling homes with efficiency and appearance in mind, providing everything from kitchen remodeling to concrete work. They can take a look at your garage and its contents and come up with a personalized plan to make sense of the mess. For more information on their services, visit the website, and call (513) 631-1222 for a free estimate.
