
If you’ve gone your entire life without glasses, it can be difficult to tell when your vision is decreasing. However, as people move into their thirties and beyond, there are a few tell-tale symptoms that your eyes aren’t as good as they once were. The following guide highlights some of the most common signs you need to schedule an appointment with an optometrist.  

3 Signs You Need to See an Optometrist

1. Sensitivity to Light

Do you find it difficult to deal with lighting in certain conditions? Do you have trouble with glare while driving? When you look at a light fixture or street lamp, do you see halos around the center? If so, it’s time to visit an optometrist. This issue could be due to a wide range of causes, from cataracts to farsightedness. Getting a quick and accurate diagnosis is the key to maintaining your comfort and safety.

2. Frequent Headaches or Eye Strain

optometristAs your vision decreases, the muscles in the eyes have to work much harder to focus. As a result, your eyes might feel tired more often, and you might experience headaches on one or both sides of your head (depending on whether one eye is worse than the other). 

3. Difficulty Reading

One of the most notable markers of decreasing vision is difficulty reading. This can be either up close, such as a book or on a computer, or far away, like a street sign. The words may appear fuzzy, blurry, or unreadable altogether. 



If you think you might need eyeglasses, you can come visit Cohen’s Fashion Optical in New York, NY.  Their optometrists will provide a thorough examination to diagnose your vision issues. If glasses are the right solution for you, shop their extensive selection of beautiful frames or get a prescription for contacts. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (212) 769-1410 to schedule an eye exam today. 
