
Learning how to combat food cravings and why they occur can help to keep the pounds off for good.  To begin, what is a food craving exactly? A craving is defined as a powerful desire and when it comes to food we call that a food craving.  This could be a strong desire for ice cream or french fries.  So let’s first talk about why food cravings can occur.

The Science on Food Cravings

Cravings are complex, they are partly driven by nature and partly driven by nurture. With physical cravings certain types of foods like high carbohydrate, high-fat foods light up a reward circuit in our brains.  Research also suggests that sugar acts on similar pathways in our brains much like other addictive substances.   Other factors can also play a role in food cravings such as insufficient sleep or sleep deprivation, for example.  

Other times a craving is a learned response.  Something you have done since you were a young child that involves food for example can shape how you see and handle that food or event today.  We are often triggered by certain smells, foods, or occasions that can lead to food cravings.  You may not even be aware that you may have formed these associations with food.  

How to Manage Cravings

  1. Be more aware.  Try to be more aware of your surroundings and your entire eating environment. Slowing down and setting down your fork between bites is a great way to achieve this.
  2. Listen to your body.  Since we eat for many reasons other than hunger, it’s important that we are able to recognize some of the physical signs of hunger.  Get to know how you feel when it’s time for you to have a meal or snack.  Learning what that feeling is like can help to know if you are experiencing a food craving or not.
  3. Begin healthy habits and rewards that work for you.  Maybe it’s a cup of coffee or a bubble bath to change your train of thought in place of indulging in a food that you craved. Try to develop go-to’s that work in situations in the past where it was very difficult for you regarding food cravings. Taking a walk, calling a friend, or working on a hobby are all ideas to retrain yourself instead of giving in to food cravings.  

Even though it is unrealistic to think you will eat only out of hunger, it is possible to reduce your triggers to eat by trying some of the techniques discussed above. For more information regarding weight loss programs in Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE please visit

