
If you are a beginner motorcyclist, you probably have a lot more enthusiasm than experience. If that's the case, it makes sense to take extra care during your first few weeks until you've gotten some practice handling the bike. You may even want to beef up your motorcycle insurance limits for the first couple of months. Here are some tips to help new cyclists stay safe on the road.

5 Tips for Beginner Motorcyclists

1. Drive Defensively

Be extra cautious on your bike. Don't zip in and out of traffic, and leave plenty of room on all sides of you. On a motorcycle, you’re much more difficult to see, so behave at all times as if other motorists might overlook you.

2. Dress Appropriately

motorcycle insuranceThe bike offers little protection between you and the ground, so be sure to wear the right gear. A leather jacket, chaps, gloves, and a helmet will help protect you against road rash, brain trauma, and other serious injuries. Never skip your protective gear, even if you plan to just ride up the street to the corner store.

3. Avoid Inclement Conditions

High winds, sleet, rain, fog, and other bad weather can increase your risk on the road. Avoid riding your motorcycle at such times—or take extra precautions at the very least. Rain and fog make you harder to see than usual, and slick roads increase your risk of wipeouts.

4. Buy the Right-Sized Bike

Don't buy a bike that’s too large or too powerful for you to handle safely. Even when you have more experience under your belt, harmony between yourself and your motorcycle is of fundamental importance. You should be able to place both feet flat on the ground and be strong enough to support it while it's upright.

5. Buy Motorcycle Insurance

As with auto insurance, motorcyclists are required to purchase bodily injury and property damage liability insurance before operating their vehicle on public roads. As a new rider, consider paying extra to reduce your deductible and increase your liability limits until you’re more familiar with the bike and your riding skills.


For expert assistance designing a motorcycle insurance policy to protect yourself and your bike, contact Tammy Ross Insurance in Monroe, NC. They’re an independent agency that's been serving individuals and businesses throughout Union County since 1998. They can also help you purchase auto, business, life, workers’ compensation, and homeowners insurance. Visit their website to message them online or call (704) 233-4981 to request a free motorcycle insurance quote.
