
For some individuals, visiting the dentist for even routine procedures can be nerve-racking. Dental anxiety is fairly common, but because professional cleanings, X-rays, and additional services are essential to maintaining oral health, it’s important to find healthy ways to overcome fears and maintain your scheduled appointments. Here are a few practical relaxation tips to try before your visit.

5 Tips to De-stress Before Seeing the Dentist

1. Schedule Strategically

If you’re feeling rushed because you’ve scheduled your appointment on a particularly busy day, this will only contribute to your anxiety. Try to plan your visit for a time that’s relatively quiet, when you won’t have to worry about rushing back to work, picking up the kids, or being home by a certain time.

2. Let the Office Know

Prior to your appointment, let the receptionist, dental hygienist, or dentist know about your concerns. The office should be patient, understanding, and helpful. Your professionals may advise using hand signals to let them know if you need to take a quick break during a procedure.

3. Bring a Friend

dentistFor some individuals, the ride to their appointment is when they feel most apprehensive. Having a friend or family member along for the trip can provide a healthy distraction. It may also offer some comfort to know someone you trust is just around the corner in the waiting room during the appointment.

4. Listen to Music

If the office plays music or television during appointments, tune out any sounds of tools being used and focus on the melody or dialogue. You may also be able to listen to your own music to your earphones. Not all offices permit this, so be sure to ask in advance.

5. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing exercises can be extremely effective for calming nerves, but many patients with dental anxiety accidentally hold their breath during their appointments. When you feel nervous, focus on taking slow, long inhalations and exhalations.


If you experience dental anxiety, you’ll be in good hands with the caring staff from Clements Family Dentistry. This gentle and caring family dentist is focused on making the patient experience as comfortable as possible while providing top-notch dental care. Discover what to expect during your first visit at this friendly practice on their website or call (513) 887-7027 to schedule an appointment.
