
With the coming of spring, homeowners should inspect their roofing to ensure the winter didn’t leave behind any damage that could affect how it works. Broken shingles, mold growth, and poor ventilation can result in leaks, reduced indoor air quality, and expose your home to the outside elements, affecting your quality of life. To ensure all repairs are carried out, here’s how you can inspect your roof to prepare it for the new season.

Top 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Roof This Spring

1. Check the Gutters

Gutters, which direct water away from your roof, get clogged with leaves, twigs, nests, and other debris over time, slowing their drainage. Once the last of the winter has thawed, clean out your gutters to make sure they aren’t blocked. Also check that your downspouts are angled away from your property so water doesn’t pool near your foundation, which could cause erosion.

2. Clean the Roof Surface

Debris such as twigs, leaves, branches, and grime may also be accumulating on your roofing shingles. They can get wet and trap moisture, which can cause mold or algae growth. If mold or other water damage seeps through the surface, it can affect your indoor air quality. Call a roofing contractor to perform a thorough cleaning and revitalize your structure at the beginning of the season to prepare for more springtime debris.

3. Inspect for Damage

roofingWhile cleaning, look for missing or broken shingles, as well as buckling or blistering parts that could signal that your shingles are at the end of their lifespan. To prevent leaks and drafts, check for gaps around your chimney where water or air could enter your home, then having a roofing inspector replace necessary shingles or provide caulking to close these fissures. You can also conduct this inspection from your attic or crawlspace, looking for signs of sunlight or damage, such as marks on the ceiling or walls.

4. Encourage Ventilation

When moisture rises from your attic and escapes onto your roof, it will condense and accumulate, forming ice dams. When they melt, ice dams let water seep underneath the shingles, which can result in mold growth. If you notice ice dams or mold regularly form in your home, ensure you have at least one square foot of windows or other ventilation for every 300 square feet of attic. To promote extra circulation, clean dust and debris from your vents.

5. Have a Professional Inspection

Roofing companies can check every part of your system to ensure your roof is functioning as it should. After a thorough inspection, they can make recommendations for cost-effective roof repairs, added insulation, or other modifications you can do to increase the efficiency of your home.


For help with your roofing this spring, call the professionals at American Roofing. Located in Anchorage, AK, their team can handle everything from roof repairs and attic insulation to new roof installation for both residential and commercial clients, ensuring your space has a stable first line of defense against inclement weather. Find out more about their services online, or call (907) 345-8700 to schedule an appointment.
