
Summer brings wonderful warm weather and longer days, but it also brings new pests. You can enjoy a relatively pest-free season if you know what the most common offenders are and take some preventive pest control measures. Here are a few of the most notorious pests that plague the people of South Carolina.

Pest Control Guide for a Southern Summer

1. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are found all over the country but are particularly common in the South. These small insects feed on your blood—and that of your pets—while you sleep. They hide inside of fabrics such as bedding, clothing, and upholstered furniture. They don’t spread disease, but their itchy bites are a powerful nuisance that can cause severe allergic reactions or a skin infection from excessive scratching. Avoid this by not buying secondhand clothing or furniture, and if you travel, inspect your hotel room for bugs before staying in it.

2. Ticks

pest controlTicks are parasitic arachnids that burrow their heads into people and animals to consume their blood. They spread infectious diseases, which can result in severe infection or death. They’re often brought into a home with pets. Keep your dog from running through brush, and after you’ve spent time outside, check everyone for ticks before going indoors.

3. Mosquitos

Mosquitos thrive in the warmth of summer and spread serious diseases such as malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. They lay their eggs in standing water, so make sure you don’t have any large puddles or pots full of water around your property. You can hire professional mosquito pest control to spray around your property for a thorough, lasting solution. If you’re spending time outdoors, burn a candle or lantern with repelling essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, or citronella.  


The best way to be proactive about all the worst pests in the area is with professional pest control services. In addition to their home improvement services, All State Construction has been known for their first-rate pest control and extermination services throughout Lexington County, SC, since 1964. Contact their exterminator online or at (803) 359-2364 to request a free estimate.
