
Water is an essential part of everyday life. Whether it’s for drinking or cleaning around the home, it’s important you have a fresh, clean supply. Hard and soft water are terms people often hear but aren’t familiar with. It’s important to understand the difference and schedule water testing services, so you can determine what’s best for your home.


Hard water comes from a direct, natural source. If you have a well on your property, this is what you’ll usually receive. As the water flows through rock and other materials, it picks up minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. Hard water is healthy to drink because you’re getting a number of essential minerals in every sip. It can also reduce the toxicity of lead, copper, and other metals that might have tainted your water. However, because of the mineral content, hard water isn’t always friendly to your plumbing; minerals can build up in piping and pumps and create clogs. Schedule water testing to determine the mineral content of your water, so a professional can ensure your system is clean.


water testingSoft water is processed through a filter that removes many of the minerals in it. While it can sometimes have a higher sodium count, it’s much better for your piping and especially good for cleaning. Whether for doing the laundry, showering, or cleaning up around your home, it won’t leave any mineral residue behind. You might want to incorporate a controllable filter into your well system to ensure the water stays soft for years to come.


Whether you’re interested in adding a well to your property or already have one, reach out to the team at Hartmann Well Drilling & Service for all of your needs. This company has served New Prague, MN, since 1932 and offers well drilling, maintenance, and repair services. They can handle water testing as needed and help you find eco-friendly solutions, such as geothermal heat pumps, to lower your carbon footprint. Call (952) 758-2202 to speak with a representative about scheduling water testing, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
