
Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Your body needs water to cycle nutrients through your system and remove waste and toxins. If you tend to get dehydrated during the day, follow these tips to make sure you're drinking enough.

How to Drink Water More Regularly

1. Get a Water Bottle

Invest in a large, high-quality, refillable water bottle you can keep with you at home, at work, or when you’re out and about. Having water handy will prompt you to drink more often, even if it's a sip at a time.

2. Add Flavor

If plain water is hard for you to drink, add a bit of flavor to keep things interesting. Drop in crushed mint, cucumber slices, a squeeze of lemon, or pieces of other fruits. Otherwise, choose from a wide range of flavor additives at the grocery store.

3. Drink Before Meals

Use mealtimes as cues to hydrate; every time you sit down to eat, drink a large glass of water first. This will help you feel full and eat less — also a helpful weight-loss tool.

4. Set a Phone AlarmDrinking Water

If you still have trouble remembering to stay hydrated, program a water schedule into your phone. Every hour or two throughout the day, take a few gulps. Spread your alarms out; drinking water a little at a time is more effective than guzzling a lot at once.

5. Get a Water Softener or Reverse Osmosis

If you don't like your home’s hard water, water softening can make the drinking water more pleasant (and help you preserve appliances and save on soap). These filters remove the calcium and magnesium from your water, making it smoother and cleaner. Let the equipment itself or a pitcher of treated water in your fridge serve as a visual reminder to drink.  A reverse osmosis system can give you bottled water quality at your sink or refrigerator.


For quality water softening equipment in Eastern Iowa, choose McAleer Water Conditioning. They’ve provided affordable service and clean, healthy drinking water to clients for over 42 years. To learn more about what this locally owned, independent company has to offer, call (800) 397-1995 or visit their website.
