
If you’re thinking about renovating your building to improve its appearance or boost the property’s energy efficiency, you probably have many ideas in mind. It’s easy to overlook the need for a permit during these exciting planning stages, but it’s essential to obtain one before any type of building renovations begin. Here’s a little more about what you should know.

Everything You Need to Know About Building Renovation Permits

What exactly are permits?

Permits are documents that grant contractors legal permission to begin work on specific types of projects. The scope of the work must be performed in accordance with approved blueprints and specifications. Since it may take several months to obtain a permit for renovation work, it’s important to submit your plans at the earliest possible date to avoid a delay in construction plans.

Why are they necessary?

building renovationPermits are specifically produced to ensure that all building renovations and new constructions are performed in accordance with locally adopted building codes. The permit essentially ensures that the new structure or addition is in compliance with the law. It also provides assurance that all standards are met and that construction management use the appropriate materials to complete the project.

What happens if you fail to get one?

Neglecting to obtain a permit for your building renovation could have serious consequences. At worst, your municipality may be within their rights to issue a work cease order, which would essentially bring your project to a complete halt until you were able to secure a permit. And if the work that was already performed doesn’t meet code requirements, it would need to be torn down or rebuilt.

When are permits required?

Not all types of building repairs and renovations require permits. For example, painting the house and installing new floors are straightforward jobs that don’t typically require legal documentation. Permits are 100% essential, however, for any type of new construction, property addition, or similar renovation that affects the building’s structure. Projects involving mechanical, plumbing, or electrical work all require permits, as does demolition work.


Are you ready to begin work on your building renovation? Turn to Construction Management Inspection in Oahu, HI. These experienced professionals handle every step of your commercial or residential project, whether it’s building repairs, home inspections, and basic maintenance. Visit them online to learn more about their process, or call them at (808) 422-2132.
