
Root canal therapy is a common oral health procedure. It’s designed to remove infected pulp from a tooth to save it. It’s far less scary than people perceive — although it does leave your mouth in a sensitive state. Aftercare is crucial to ensure you get lasting results and avoid any complications. Stick to the following alongside your dentist’s guidance.

Steps to Recover From Root Canal Therapy

1. Eat Smart

You want to ensure you don’t damage the dental crown on top of the treated tooth or cause any inflammation, so eat carefully for the first few days. Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water, and load up on soups, smoothies, and soft foods that require minimal chewing and force. Calcium-rich foods and drinks, like milk and yogurt, will also strengthen teeth. Avoid foods that are too hot or cold, as your teeth may be sensitive.

2. Rest

root-canalIf you’re tempted to head back to the office or hit the gym, wait a few days. Like any surgery, your body needs to recover. Strenuous activities may cause the surgical site to bleed and slow down recovery. There’s also the potential that you may damage the tooth. Take your painkillers as advised and relax on the sofa for a few days. You’ll minimize the likelihood of complications and return to work refreshed.

3. Stay in Touch With Your Dentist

Root canal therapy can have several side effects, most of which are perfectly normal. You’ll still need to stay in touch with your dentist though. Extreme swelling and bleeding, especially after several days, needs to be reported. You should also pay attention to how comfortable your crown is. Keeping them updated on your status will ensure any adjustments are made before serious problems occur.


Dentist Larry G. Hubbard, DDS, is proud to be a leading dental care provider for residents of Statesboro, GA. He offers comprehensive oral care services, including root canal therapy and cosmetic solutions. Dr. Hubbard focuses on a personalized approach to care and will build a highly focused plan to help you maintain a healthy smile. Call (912) 764-9891 to schedule an exam and visit Dr. Hubbard’s website to learn more about the practice.
