
As a parent, you want your child to go to school as often as possible so they can learn and keep up with their peers, but sometimes staying at home when they’re feeling under the weather is necessary. Some viruses are highly contagious or indicate a condition that requires immediate pediatric attention, so if your child wakes up sick, ensure they’re well enough to go to school. To help you decide whether to take your little one to school or the doctor, here are some signs they may not be well enough for studying.

5 Signs You Should Keep Your Child Out of School

1. Rashes

Rashes can be a sign of a contagious condition such as impetigo or molluscum contagiosum, so taking your child to school could put other kids at risk of contracting it. If you spot rashes or other skin irritation in multiple areas of their body, take them to their pediatric doctor, who can provide a diagnosis and a timeline for when they can return to school.

2. Fever

pediatricsA temperature exceeding 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit is considered a fever, which usually comes with other symptoms such as chills and body aches. Even if you can bring down their temperature with medicine, these symptoms can make focusing in school difficult, and require constant attention to ensure it doesn’t worsen. If your child wakes up with a fever, consider keeping them at home if you can monitor and care for them or take them to a doctor for a full examination.

3. Vomiting or Diarrhea

If your child has the stomach flu, not only can they pass the bug to other students, but symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea will disrupt their school day and potentially cause discomfort or embarrassment. If symptoms persist for more than one day, take them to their pediatric doctor to identify the source of the issue.

4. Head Pain

A mild headache will typically clear up within a short amount of time, but complaints of severe pain should be taken seriously, as they could indicate an injury. If your child expresses that their head hurts, check their scalp for any bumps or cuts, and take them to a doctor if you find anything. 

5. Persistent Coughing

Coughs from a common cold can linger for a couple of weeks, but persistent coughing warrants a visit to a pediatric doctor, as they could indicate bronchitis, asthma, or another respiratory issue. The constant coughing can make it difficult for them to learn and participate in class, and can even distract other students, so consider taking your little one for an evaluation.


If your child has these or any other symptoms, take them to the pediatrics team at HDR Healthcare Network. Serving New York City, this trusted medical group offers a broad range of services, including urgent care, family medicine, and extended hours for treatment to ensure your little one is nursed back to health in no time. See what they do online or call (929) 256-5005 to schedule an appointment.
