
Most companies that offer auto supplies recommend switching out windshield wiper blades every six months. However, people tend to use them for far longer and are often unsure when it’s time for replacements. Here are four signs it’s time to swap out the blades on your vehicle.

Replace Your Windshield Wipers If You Spot These 4 Issues

1. Loud Sounds

When you turn the wipers on, you should only hear an occasional tap as the blades reach each side of their range of motion. If the blades make constant scratching or squeaking sounds, head to an auto supplies store to replace them. This way you’ll know the blades will work properly without scratching up the glass.

2. Inefficient Operation

auto suppliesPeople most often realize their windshield wipers are ineffective when the blades no longer move water adequately. If the blades leave streaks of water as they pass, they are not sufficiently clearing your field of vision and can create a driving hazard while you’re on the road.  

3. Bending

Windshield wipers are made of rubber and metal. Occasionally, the metal parts can bend due to severe weather like high winds or intense hail, leaving the wipers damaged and unable to clear away precipitation. 

Additionally, using the incorrect wiper size may also create this issue. Too-large blades may bump into one another causing one to bend. When visiting an auto supplies store, bring the original wiper blades to ensure you select the perfect size for your vehicle. This will prevent bent blades and ensure they make adequate contact with the glass.

4. Changing Seasons

Some vehicle owners choose to replace their windshield wiper blades when the seasons change. For example, winter blades are larger and have a sturdier structure so they can move heavier ice and snow. Swap out these options for lighter summer blades that will move faster to handle downpours.


If you’re looking for a reliable auto supplies store to purchase windshield wipers from, head to Trester Used Auto Parts in Hamilton County, OH. Their team has been in business since 1955 and offers foreign and domestic vehicle parts for excellent prices. Call the Milford-area auto supplies store at (513) 831-9141 or visit the website for information on their 12-acre used vehicle parts lot.
