
Brushing twice daily and flossing once a day is the gold standard when it comes to preventing cavities and gum disease. However, kids sometimes have trouble keeping up with these responsibilities. In that case, here are a few creative ways to get yours excited about dental care.

5 Ways to Encourage Children to Clean Their Teeth & Gums

1. Don’t Wait to Get Started

dental careEven if your child doesn’t have all of their teeth, you shouldn’t hold off on oral hygiene practices. Helping your little one brush and eventually giving them control over the tool will instill a good habit early on so they won’t be more resistant later on.

2. Let Them Pick Their Brush

If your child is reluctant to brush because they feel like they’re being forced, look for ways to give them choices. Letting them pick out a toothbrush in their favorite color or one that features a beloved cartoon character will help them feel more personally involved in the experience.

3. Practice Oral Hygiene as a Family

Brushing and flossing at the same time every day as a family lets you and your child bond over dental care. Plus, with you as a role model, they’ll develop a positive association with the routine.

4. Get Music Into the Mix

While kids often grasp the importance of brushing their teeth, they might lose their focus and neglect to brush for the recommended two minutes. If your child tends to cut their dental care short, play them a two-minute song that will signal to them when they should stop brushing.

5. Track Their Progress

Since the long-term benefits of oral health may not be enough to appeal to young minds, bring in more tangible goals. For example, you can track your child’s progress with a sticker chart to mark every time they brush and floss responsibly. Once they reach a certain number of stickers, offer them a small reward, like a dessert of their choice or a movie outing, that will motivate them to keep up with their good habits.


Teaching your child about oral hygiene isn’t something you have to do all on your own. With help from the Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, you can treat your little one to a fun and educational dental care experience. These children’s dentists have delivered exceptional care in a comfortable, kid-friendly setting on Oahu for more than 50 years. Find more details on these services online. To schedule a dental exam, call (808) 593-8828.
