
After a long winter, your asphalt driveway or parking lot is sure to have experienced a lot of stress from ice, snow, and snowplows. That’s why it’s always a good idea to check on the quality of your pavement and take necessary steps to keep it in its best condition. By investing in the following spring maintenance tips, you will not only keep your paved surface looking great; you’ll also help extend its service life.

5 Asphalt Maintenance Tips for Spring

1. Deep Clean the Surface

Freshen up your asphalt surface for the spring by picking up straggling debris, uprooting invasive plants, and sweeping away dead leaves and twigs. It’s also a good idea to use a hose or pressure washer to blast away dirt, oil, grease, and salt that could cause the material to deteriorate. 

2. Repair Potholes

drivewayWinter temperatures cause water to freeze and expand, and this places excess stress on asphalt. If these changes affect the composition of soil below it, the pavement may grow weak and sink in to form dangerous and frustrating potholes. By paying attention to this issue early on, you can avoid the need for complete resurfacing and instead get the pothole filled in the spring.

3. Seal Cracks

When exposed to excess moisture and temperature changes, asphalt can develop cracks that will only get worse with time. If you notice any deep lines or cracks within your pavement, call a driveway repair company to have them filled and sealed. When these issues are caught early, you can stop them from spreading and keep the surface smooth.

4. Review Seal Coating Needs

While it isn’t necessary to seal coat asphalt driveways and lots every year, you should seal coat them at least once every three years. Seal coating is a special process that forms a barrier between the asphalt and harmful elements, such as UV rays, water, and oils. With the coating intact, it’s less likely that the surface will experience wear and tear.

5. Refresh Paint Lines

If your asphalt surface is a parking lot, spring is also a good time to update any paint lines that may have faded over the winter. With fresh paint, your pavement will not only look beautiful; it will also help keep visitors safe as they navigate the lot.



When you want to get the most out of your driveway or parking lot maintenance, Useal USA has all the resources you need to keep your asphalt in stellar condition. This supplier offers advanced paving supplies that will help strengthen and preserve your surface to stay prepared for the coming seasons. Based in Bloomington, CT, this paving product manufacturer services the entire state of Connecticut. To learn more about their inventory or complete an online order, visit them online. If you’d like support with an order, call them at (860) 263-8339.
